
COVID-19: Basic Protective Measures for the Public

It is no novel news that the deadly virus known as Coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken the world by storm with its high spread rate as well as its growing death rate especially in countries such as Italy, causing the virus to be tagged as a pandemic.

Several countries across the world have taken several measures to curb the spread of the virus with governments shutting down schools, religious institutions and other public gathering venues, instructing individuals to self-isolate. Also, sport activities across various countries have been suspended until further notice so as to prevent individuals from contracting the virus.

Below are some of the basic protective measures for the COVID-19;

  1. Regularly Wash your Hands

It is important that you regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as well as alcohol-based hand rub/hand sanitizers.

The reason being that washing your hands with soap and water as well as alcohol-based hand rub/hand sanitizers kill viruses.


  1. Social Distancing must be maintained

It is advised that you maintain at least 3 feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing and sneezing.

The reason being that when someone sneezes or coughs, they spray small droplets of liquids from their mouth or nose which could contain virus especially if the person is infected.


  1. Feeling feverish, coughing or having difficulty breathing; seek medical care immediately

If you are feeling unwell, stay at home. If you are feeling feverish or you have a cough or you are having difficulty breathing, it is important you seek medical attention.

The reason being that seeking medical attention will help to detect what exactly is wrong with you, thus, protecting you and keeping you from infecting others if you have caught the virus.


  1. Avoid touching Nose, Mouth and Eyes

It is advisable you avoid touching your nose, mouth or eyes with your hands as you could pick up this virus from different surfaces.

The reason being that this could be transferred to other parts of your body by touch and once the virus enters your body, it can make you sick.


  1. Practice Respiratory Hygiene

It is also important you practice respiratory hygiene by ensuring that you cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow when sneezing or coughing. You could also use a tissue but ensure you dispose the tissue after use.

The reason being that droplets spread virus so by practicing good respiratory hygiene, you protect those around you from getting infected with flu, cold and even the COVID-19.


  1. Stay Informed and follow guidelines given by Healthcare Providers and authorities

It is important you stay informed as to the latest developments on COVID-19, following the guidelines given by your healthcare providers, employers as well as your local and national public health authorities.

The reason being that these authorities have up-to-date information on the virus and how to protect yourself.


The COVID-19 has become a really big problem across the world and at such, ensure that you follow these basic protective measures to keep yourself safe.



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